Imperial Promotion Holosite

Glory to the Empire!

You are loyal citizen number:

Welcome to the Official Imperial Promotion Holosite, in association with the Imperial Board of Culture.

"Good that you now visit this Official Promotion Holosite of His Majesty, the Emperor.
You will be delighted that in this way you can share the glory of Emperor Palpatine's Empire.
The Empire will enlighten you with some positive material.
It is strongly recommended to loyal citizens to download this material and spread it among others."
A special word of hope from our Emperor in heart to you:
"Soon peace and order will be restored throughout the galaxy!"

Holomail the Empire in order of the Emperor:
Imperial Promotion Holosite

By order of the Empire the counter is recorded by:  

Imperial Board of Culture Enlightenment Program 06428548.2. Local Sol system cell. Operating V.67.2 (locally adapted).